exception MESSENGERuvvs.MESSENGERdata.InputError(expression, message)[source]

Raised when a required parameter is not included in the inputfile.

class MESSENGERuvvs.MESSENGERdata.MESSENGERdata(species=None, comparisons=None)[source]

Retrieve MESSENGER data from database. Given a species and set of comparisons, retrieve MESSSENGER UVVS data from the database. The list of searchable fields is given at Database Fields Used by MESSENGERuvvs.

Returns a MESSENGERdata Object.



Species to search. This is required because the data from each species is stored in a different database table.


A SQL-style list of comparisons.

The data in the object created is extracted from the database tables using the query:

FROM <species>uvvsdata, <species>pointing
WHERE <query>

See examples below.

Class Atributes


The object can only contain a single species.


Coordinate frame for the data, either MSO or Model.


SQL query used to search the database and create the object.


Pandas dataframe containing result of SQL query. Columns in the dataframe are the same as in the database except frame and species have been dropped as they are redundant. If models have been run, there are also columns in the form modelN for the Nth model run.


Median true anomaly for the data in radians.


If N models have been run, this is a dictionary in the form {'model0':label0, ..., 'modelN':labelN} containing descriptions for the models.


If N models have been run, this is a dictionary in the form {'model0':strength0, ..., 'modelN':strengthN} containing modeled source rates in units of 10^{26} atoms/s.


  1. Loading data

>>> from MESSENGERuvvs import MESSENGERdata

>>> CaData = MESSENGERdata('Ca', 'orbit = 36')

>>> print(CaData)
Species: Ca
Query: orbit = 36
Frame: MSO
Object contains 581 spectra.

>>> NaData = MESSENGERdata('Na', 'orbit > 100 and orbit < 110')

>>> print(NaData)
Species: Na
Query: orbit > 100 and orbit < 110
Frame: MSO
Object contains 3051 spectra.

>>> MgData = MESSENGERdata('Mg',
        'loctimetan > 5.5 and loctimetan < 6.5 and alttan < 1000')

>>> print(len(MgData))
  1. Accessing data.

  • The observations are stored within the MESSENGERdata object in a pandas dataframe attribute called data. Please see the pandas documentation for more information on how to work with dataframes.

>>> print(
                         utc  orbit  merc_year  ...  loctimetan         slit               utcstr
unum                                            ...
3329 2011-04-04 21:24:11.820     36          0  ...   14.661961  Atmospheric  2011-04-04T21:24:11
3330 2011-04-04 21:25:08.820     36          0  ...   12.952645  Atmospheric  2011-04-04T21:25:08
3331 2011-04-04 21:26:05.820     36          0  ...   12.015670  Atmospheric  2011-04-04T21:26:05
3332 2011-04-04 21:27:02.820     36          0  ...   12.007919  Atmospheric  2011-04-04T21:27:02
3333 2011-04-04 21:27:59.820     36          0  ...   12.008750  Atmospheric  2011-04-04T21:27:59

[5 rows x 29 columns]
  • Individual observations can be extracted using standard Python slicing techniques:

>>> print(CaData[3:8])
Species: Ca
Query: orbit = 36
Frame: MSO
Object contains 5 spectra.

>>> print(CaData[3:8].data['taa'])
3332    1.808107
3333    1.808152
3334    1.808198
3335    1.808243
3336    1.808290
Name: taa, dtype: float64
  1. Modeling data

>>> inputs = Input('')
>>> CaData.model(inputs, 1e5, label='Model 1')
>>> inputs..speeddist.temperature /= 2.  # Run model with different temperature
>>> CaData.model(inputs, 1e5, label='Model 2')
  1. Plotting data

>>> CaData.plot('Ca.orbit36.models.html')
  1. Exporting data to a file

>>> CaData.export('modelresults.csv')
>>> CaData.export('modelresults.html', columns=['taa'])
export(self, filename, columns=['utc', 'radiance'])[source]

Export data and models to a file. Parameters


Filename to export model results to. The file extension determines the format. Formats available: csv, pkl, html, tex


Columns from the data dataframe to export. Available columns can be found by calling the keys() method on the data object. Default = [‘utc’, ‘radiance’] and all model result columns. Note: The default columns are always included in the output regardless of whether they are specified.


No outputs.


Return all keys in the object, including dataframe columns

set_frame(self, frame=None)[source]

Convert between MSO and Model frames.

More frames could be added if necessary. If Frame is not specified, flips between MSO and Model.